Saturday, February 7th, 2009

[SERENDIPITY]: The Antwerp Design Seminars & Lectures are an international event taking place each year at the College of Design Sciences. Its aim is to stimulate cross boundary thinking in design and to familiarize students with an interdisciplinary approach to design problems.
The Antwerp Design Seminars and Lectures intend to act as a forum for faculty and student exchange on an international level. At the same time, it is an informal platform to discuss actual problems related to design education.

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lab-int1#MSc-2008: Civitella Retail Park

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Il progetto di recupero e valorizzazione del borgo medioevale di Civitella del Tronto (TR), formula una proposta generale che può intendersi come applicazione operativa della ricerca ‘Active-actions’: un paese quasi del tutto abbandonato viene rivitalizzato attraverso delle strategie progettuali alla piccola e alla grande scala che si fondano sul presupposto di considerare l’esistente una risorsa e il progetto una attività  di negoziazione sostenibile. In questo contesto operativo, a Civitella viene promossa la realizzazione del primo Centro Commerciale Naturale e Sostenibile con l’obiettivo di promuovere un diverso uso del territorio che ne determini come unica conseguenza lo sfruttamento sconsiderato.

To look inside the Year book “Civitella Retail Park” > click here

Download the PDF file [20.6MB]: Civitella Retail Park

Pristhina 081112: skype-lecture

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Ecology of Power: Urban voids & temporary uses

after the Diploma work of Benedetta Cremaschi e Gabriele Corbetta

tutor: Gennaro Postiglione

download the lecture

Workshop in Antwerpen: call for students

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

link to the Previous edition [2008]

Edinburgh presentation_081009

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

You can download the presentation [4.5MB]: click here

Call for students !

Friday, September 19th, 2008


10 – 14 November 2008, Prishtina, Kosova

[Hotel Victory, Prishtina. source: Chirgy‘s Flickr album ]

Paul Burgstaller and Ursula Faix from bad architects group are currently teaching Urban Design at the University for Business and Technology in Prishtina, Kosova and have invited us (Gennaro Postiglione and Lorenzo Bini) to lead a joined workshop in Prishtina in November. We are therefore inviting students from Politecnico di Milano that might be interested in partecipating to send a brief curriculum and an application – as well as any question or further information – to Our wish is to be able to select around 12 students before the end of September in order to organize the trip to Prishtina with the necessary advance.

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Aspo “room-experience” workshop

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

From 20 to 22 of April, Gennaro Postiglione and the Swedish artist Olle Dahl will drive students from Mats Edstrom course “Working on/around Military Architecture Heritage” (School of Architecture, LTH, Lund) on the “room-experience” workshop: recording room-qualities through a sequence of room-alterations. Students are invited to introduce one alteration per time (objects, materials, etc. brought form home or found on site) and to record “reactions” of the room they use for the setting. Those records should lead to listing/naming/understanding room spacial & emotional potential qualities. The sites are located on the island of Aspo, just in front of Karlskrona (on Est coast of South Sweden) and they consist of a number of military fortifications from the beginning of the XXth century.

On 23th results will be visible at: room-experience sequences

Workshop a Berlino: “vuoti a rendere”

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

programma definitivo [4.5MB]: vuotiarendere071102.pdf


workshop: 12-18 novembre 2007
viaggio in auto a carico dei partecipanti
alloggio ca. 200,00 incl. colazione
deposito di 100,00 euro entro il 15 ottobre
max 20 partecipanti

presentazione materiali prodotti






tesi “Vuoti a rendere”

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

21.06 20.07
Mostre sugli obiettivi del Millennio
in giro per il Poli tra Leonardo Durando e la Masa


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ws2DA’07 launching

Monday, March 5th, 2007

070305: today the ws2DA’07 was lauched and three documents were presented.


01-sitepresentation, an overview of the working site: Rinkoping fiord on the west coast of Denmark.

02-launching, the brief: commenting & giving tips about the schedule to follow.

03-sequenceofpossibilities, a sequence of possibilities/suggestions: examples of what has been done so far as a starting point for personal deepening.

Tomorrow, there will be the general introduction over the Atlantic Wall project: an over view about the difensive infrastructure and about the research project The Atlantic Walla Linear Museum (

we will keep the blog updated: don’t miss any news and don’t forget key links:

web posts: CATEGORY ws2DA’07
download materials: link to archive

070305: ws2DA’07 takes off

Sunday, March 4th, 2007


workshop 5/03-5/04
Master in Interior Design and in Urban Design
Domus Academy 2007
project leader/interior: gennaro postiglione
tutoring/AWbunker-site: daniela canzi, ester golia

web posts: CATEGORY ws2DA’07

download brief in .pdf [52k]: aw2DA’07brief
download materials: link to archive

TaorminaLand Workshop 2006 | Profanazioni

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

TaorminaLand is an International Workshop that took place in Taormina and Giardini Naxos, Sicily, between the 26th of August and the 10th of September 2006, organised by the AIP, research laboratory for Architecture, Infrastructure and Landscape, part of the DIAP (Architecture and Planning Department of Politecnico di Milano). We publish here ‘Profanazioni’, the proposal of one of the participant groups that featured Caroline Notari, Enrico Forestieri, Margherita Parati, Irene Avino, Tommaso Caspani, Luciano Cadeddu, Diego Cea, Giampaolo Celada, Afro Carpentieri and Giuliana Posocco as students, Patrizia Scrugli and Gennaro Postiglione as tutors.


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Dubrovnik Workshop 2006 | final projects

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

The Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and the International summer school of Architecture Dubrovnik have organised Green Town Workshop 2006 an international workshop for architecture students. We publish here the final projects developed by 6 different international teams. This post will be updated as more material will be available.

dubrovnik site visit

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WS: La scatola interna

Wednesday, October 19th, 2005

Following is possible to download a short photo gallery from the students’ work (Montevideo, October 1998).
