Archive for the 'students’ work' Category
Sunday, June 9th, 2019

Former industrial buildings where, through some very simple objects, many religions are practised; gardens where, through an old carpet, an extension of a sitting room is created; a name-less square where, through bottle-caps or ropes, kids can play all together beyond any cultural background. The main square used for car washing; material fences and mental boundaries as an answer to urban fears related to ‘otherness’: migrants, teenagers going to a professional school, political activists.
This is the link to browse through students’ work and this the link to a video summary of the semester.
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Posted in 02 YEAR BOOKS, lab-thematic#3_2017/18/19, students' work | Comments Off on GRZ.0 Final Seminar & Exhibition
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

Massimo Bricocoli
Gennaro Postiglione
Stefania Sabatinelli
Nicola Sirugo
Coliving and cohabitation serve to increase density by reorganizing the layouts of existing buildings for more efficient spaces, and to include shared amenities for larger groups of inhabitants. The designer of this project, quoting STAR strategies + Architecture, states: “the real revolution in housing is indoors.” The proposal rearranges the interior layout of a typical london housing block, as the designer claims, to mirror the growing variety of job positions and of family arrangements. The ways in which people organize their urban lives to afford housing “is to be more closely investigated, as this brings along significant changes in terms of housing cultures, patterns of solidarity/community, and socio-spatial organization.” The design offers a selection of flexible interior organizational components – including the bathroom core, the equipped wall fitted with shelving and insulation, and movable partitions. The layout accounts for a mixture of user profiles, from the single adult student, to the elderly couple, to the divorced parent with child. The jury wonders, in what other building typologies can this project be applied?
*The work is a result of and ongoing design studio-based research (at Politecnico di Milano) over the last three years; colleagues involved: Massimo Bricocoli (Urban and Housing Policy), Giovanni Hänninen (Ethno-photography); Rodrigo Pemjean (Architectural Representation); Gennaro Postiglione (Architecture of Interiors) and Stefania Sabatinelli (Urban Sociology).
Browse all entries here
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Sunday, September 9th, 2018

After a very intense semester, we are pleased to deliver the different Report booklets produced during the ReCoDe! 2018 Thematic Studio by an heroic group of students.
Just a quick program brief.
New forms of dwelling and of contemporary living have been envisioned starting from field work that brought up a collection of up to 50 different Social profiles (and their related needs, behaviours, etc.): 6 existing housing buildings in the city of Milano have been selected as case study, Re-shaped for hosting new possible inhabitants nucleus.
Here are the links for all work documents:
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Posted in 02 YEAR BOOKS, lab-thematic#3_2017/18/19, students' work | Comments Off on ReCoDe! 2018 – Final Report
Friday, January 5th, 2018

Abstract and work archive, in the following pages.
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Posted in 02 YEAR BOOKS, lab-INT#2/2018, students' work | Comments Off on ReSTa2017_Final Exam & Exhibition Seminar
Sunday, July 23rd, 2017

After a very intense semester, we are pleased to deliver the different Report booklets produced during the ReCoDe! Design Studio by an heroic group of students.
Just a quick program brief.
New forms of dwelling and of contemporary living have been envisioned starting from field work that brought up a collection of up to 50 different Social profiles (and their related needs, behaviours, etc.): 9 existing housing buildings in the city of Milano have been selected as case study, Re-shaped for hosting new possible inhabitants nucleus.
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Posted in 02 YEAR BOOKS, lab-thematic#3_2017/18/19, students' work | Comments Off on ReCoDe! 2017 – Final Report
Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Nelle pagine che seguono sono presentati gli esiti del laboratorio didattico in cui studenti di Architettura e di Urbanistica hanno lavorato congiuntamente sul tema dell’abitare temporaneo a Milano nel corso dell’anno accademico 2016/2017. Si tratta di un’esperienza curricolare inedita che ha visto la costituzione di gruppi misti di studenti del Laboratorio di Architecture of Interiors (Laurea Magistrale in Architecture) e di Housing and Neighbourhoods (Laurea Magistrale in Urban Planning and Policy Design).
Scarica la bozza del Report Finale
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Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Mercoledì 1 marzo 2017, ore 14.30 Aula Gamma – Politecnico di Milano
Seminario organizzato nell’ambito del 6° Forum delle Politiche Sociali
Il seminario presenta l’esito di un laboratorio didattico in cui studenti di Architettura e di Urbanistica hanno lavorato congiuntamente sul tema dell’abitare temporaneo a Milano. I cambiamenti economici e sociali hanno impatti significativi sulle condizioni di vita: un mercato del lavoro più flessibile implica per molti mobilità e temporaneità abitativa, mutamenti strutturali e recessione economica aumentano la vulnerabilità di singoli e famiglie anche rispetto alle condizioni abitative, con crescenti difficoltà a sostenere affitti e mutui e un aumento e accelerazione degli sfratti. Enti locali e realtà del terzo settore sono sempre più sollecitati a sviluppare progetti per la residenzialità che siano più appropriati ed efficaci e al tempo stesso poco onerosi. Nel solco del programma ”Residenzialità Sociale Temporanea” promosso dal comune di Milano, sono state sviluppate proposte progettuali relative a cinque diversi casi. Gli esiti evidenziano prospettive di innovazione che sollecitano più strette connessioni tra progettazione e gestione die servizi sociali, programmazione e regolazione urbanistica, progettazione architettonica e degli interni.
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Friday, March 25th, 2016
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Saturday, May 30th, 2015

Padiglione Architettura
Belvedere del Grattacielo Pirelli
4 giugno 2015, ore 15:00 – 17:00
“Iperspazio pubblico”
Una discussione sui paesaggi, luoghi e architetture della città che cambia: dopo un periodo in cui Milano è stata un cantiere aperto, oggi la città si presenta con nuovi landmark, nuovi equilibri urbanistici ed economici.
a cura di Alessandro Rocca
Lablog presenta “Bella Lì 2015”
programma della giornata:
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Monday, May 25th, 2015

Superstudio, Continuos Monument, 1972
Venerdì 29 Maggio
Scuola di Architettura e Società – POLIMI
ore 10:30 – Aula IIIC
All’interno del ciclo di incontri
EXPO-Gate Dialoghi sui temi della città
Tavola rotonda
Architettura per la gente
Roberta Cucca, Sociologia Urbana, Università Milano Bicocca
Andrea Di Giovanni, Urbanista, PoliMi
Pierluigi Salvadeo, Architetto e Scenografo urbano, PoliMi
Paola Savoldi, Urbanista, PoliMi
Alessandro Rocca, Architetto e critico, PoliMi
Lablog presenta documenti e materiali dei laboratori di progettazione:
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Posted in lab-AMB-opz/2014-15, lab-INT#1/2015, news, students' work | Comments Off on Architettura per la gente
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

During the Fall Trimester 2014 at DAE, Lorenzo Bini and Gennaro Postiglione have run two Design Studio at the Department of Contextual Design. On the 3rd of December, during an Instant Exhibition lasting just one day, students presented their work to mentors and external critics.
A lot of work produced with passion and love. Here are some pics:

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Friday, February 21st, 2014

We just found out that the Stazione di Servizio Agip, the beloved building topic of our 2012 Design Lab, has been officially listed. According to the public authorities – namely the Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo – the building is “of particularly outstanding historical and artistic interest” and will be now subject to safeguard. The official document stating this important judgement features a short bibliography that includes our Lab-int-2012 as a reference.
It goes without saying that we consider this a huge achievenment for the commitment played out by our students in that project.
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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

Il MusAA – MuseoArchitetturaArte, in partnership con il Politecnico di Milano e con il Patrocinio del Comune di Lanciano organizza la Mostra “Geografie dell’abbandono. Frammenti d’Abruzzo, territorio narrato”
Una mostra complessa ma fruibile a più livelli con disegni, documenti, progetti, pubblicazioni, testimonianze e cartografia tematica. La mostra è visitabile dal 13 luglio fino al 31 luglio 2013, tutti i giorni dalle 18 alle 20, vernissage sabato 13 luglio h. 19.30.
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Posted in lab-INT#2/2010, research activity, students' work | Comments Off on lablog at MusAA
Saturday, May 25th, 2013

see the complete slide show here!
Posted in lab-INT#1/2013, students' work | Comments Off on More postcards from RHG…
Wednesday, February 27th, 2013
Dears all,
we are very pleased to share another research-blog edit within lablog interiors:
Editors: Sofia Coutsoucos & Stefania Monici who graduated today (BA in Architecture @ POLIMI) with great success.
You are very welcome to submit eventual case study to add at our CollACTION: fill and submit the upload form
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