Author Archive
DAE- SOURCE #05: Memory and Monuments
Friday, October 10th, 2014Design Academy Eindhoven – Source Lectures 2014
15 OCT 2014
10:00 – 16:00
DAE Auditorium
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ Eindhoven
Instead of acknowledging the monument only as a fixed and consolidated typology, the symposium intends to discuss the power to recall memories and provoke thoughts – proper of monuments – into (designed) objects regardless of their size, value, exposure and durability. By reinterpreting their role that might not necessary be imagined as accessible by a community only but perhaps transferred to the context of people intimacy and privacy, it will also question the public nature of monuments.
The Symposium is curated by Lorenzo Bini and Gennaro Postiglione, guest mentors at DAE-Contextual Design department.
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Doppie Lauree @ POLIMI
Thursday, October 9th, 2014Call for Double Degree programs: dead line 27 OCT
Dear Students,
As the call for the participation to Double Degree programs has been launched, we have scheduled a meeting for presenting the programs promoted by the School of Architecture and Society at Politecnico di Milano.
The professors in charge of the Double degree projects will be available to discuss your questions. Furthermore some students just returned from their abroad experience will be there to tell you about their experience.
The meeting will be held at the Leonardo Campus on Wednesday October 15th – h.17:15 in aula C.0.1 Read the rest of this entry »
MIAW2014 takes off
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014In less than a week by now, MIAW2014 will take off and almost 200 students will be engaged in a two weeks intensive programme tutored by a pull of international guests. During the workshops mentors will also present their own work and thoughts in a open lecture series taking place every day according the program and the scheduled agenda.
DAE-guest professorship
Monday, September 1st, 2014Ashrott’s Fountain, Horst Hoheisel, Kassel 1987
Lorenzo Bini + Gennaro Postiglione
Design for Thinking/Design for Memory
Design Academy Eindhoven – Contextual Design Department
01 SEP – 03 DEC 2014
Download the Studio – brief
MI/ARC: Call for students
Thursday, August 28th, 2014In occasione di MI/ARCH 2014, il festival d’architettura che si terrà al Politecnico di Milano dal 13 al 16 ottobre, avete l’occasione di essere selezionati per un confronto diretto di discussione e di scambio di idee con i grandi nomi dell’architettura mondiale che avete sempre visto sulle riviste. E’ stata organizzata una call for projects, con l’obiettivo di selezionare i 15 progetti migliori che verranno presentati direttamente a uno degli architetti invitati, al termine della loro conferenza. Ai conferenzieri sarà sottoposto un singolo progetto che dovrà essere presentato pubblicamente dall’autore/dagli autori e successivamente commentato in non più di 10 minuti.
Aperto a: tutti gli studenti e i laureati (da non più di due anni) del Politecnico di Milano. Termine per la consegna degli elaborati: 14 settembre 2014
Tutti i dettagli:
IP Feed Europe: results
Thursday, August 28th, 2014Day 11 Saturday, 23 August 2014.
The installation’s room looks exactly the same as the first day we got into it: a space with chairs and desks. The grapes have been eaten, the floor plan is rolled into one package to be taken to the next exhibition, we will cook the beans sometime into the near future, the plants will grow somewhere in Venice, all cardboard will be recycled. The presentation lasted two hours, and that was the life of our artwork, that now grows further on different places and contexts. Some of us will have new ideas, based on this common one, some others have gained good friends and colleagues for a lifetime; we all have won 8 fundamentals that we are going to recognize from now on in every structure and will let it grow there into what the city of Venice architecture taught us: when it comes to life and creation, nothing is impossible.
A warm and sincere thank you with gratitude to all participants and teachers involved!
See day by day report here and click on the blog.
Oltre il muro
Saturday, July 26th, 2014Oltre il muro: Crescita sviluppo e ricchezza dell’ex Ospedale Psichiatrico Paolo Pini, Francesco Covelli, Elisabetta Martelli (POLIMI JUL2014).
L’ex Ospedale Psichiatrico Paolo Pini è oggi una realtà varia e dinamica grazie alle molteplici attività che si sviluppano tra le mura del complesso. Il nostro intervento si pone l’obiettivo di indagare ed intervenire sul terreno comune, sullo spazio che tiene uniti i vari attori che recitano la propria parte, uno spazio vivo, vissuto ed aperto alla collettività, un vasto parco che caratterizza tutta l’area del Paolo Pini.
Da qui la volontà di tessere nuove trame che valichino i confini e definiscano legami sociali e culturali dinamici tra interno ed esterno.
IP Creating a Context #3: Krakow
Saturday, July 26th, 2014The CREATING A CONTEXT Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP) Krakow 2014 brings together postgraduate Fine Art and Architect students from Newcastle University, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Politecnico Milano, Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, Glasgow School of Arts, Université Catholique de Louvain Bruxelles and the Kunstakademie Münster to collaborate on new innovative artworks and spatial solutions.
Using the concept of an international ‘biennale’, the curriculum will emulate a ‘real’ professional context. The students, working in small cross-disciplinary and transnational groups will be invited to respond to a specific site. This practice led approach will be embedded in a theoretical framework that enables a critical discussion and understanding of European art and architecture production and exhibition practice.
Here is the agenda of the two weeks and the Lablog presentation Beyond Memorialisation (140710).
lab-opz-amb-2014: Bella Lì – Instant Exhibition
Monday, June 30th, 2014Spazio Mostre
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Politecnico di Milano
Tutto il lavoro del laboratorio è organizzato e consultabile su Bella Lì blog
dal 15 luglio alla Triennale di Milano all’interno della mostra “Ri-formare Milano“
Rural Studio @ POLIMI
Tuesday, June 24th, 2014giovedì 3 luglio
Aula Rogers
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Politecnico di Milano
download the flyer
Summer workshop: Venice
Sunday, June 15th, 2014WORKSHOP
13-23 August 2014
download the programme here
send your portfolio [PDF max 10 MB via weTransfer] to:
Gennaro Postiglione (mail at no later than the 30th of June
Accommodation is free, while traveling has to be covered by students: 4 ECTS accreditation.
Summer workshop: Milano
Friday, June 13th, 2014ATMOSPHERES: 3 days at the Venice Biennale
Wednesday, June 11th, 2014abitare condiviso? – The age of Kommunalki
Sunday, June 8th, 2014mercoledì 11 giugno
documentario sugli appartamenti condivisi a San Pietroburgo
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Aula B / 16:30-18:30
Programma completo scaricabile qui