Author Archive

Lab-Int-2012 | 120504

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012


We are pleased to announce the sixth guest lecture part of our Design lab. On the 4th of May at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, classroom B.4.1, José María GARCÍA DEL MONTE ed Ana María MONTIEL JIMÉNEZ (qve-arquitectos) will present their work at 10.30.

AC World Series Naples I 2012

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

IP Bologna I Team 04 work

Friday, April 20th, 2012

During the two weeks in Bologna for the IP Creating a Context workshop we – Team group 04 – finally realized a work consisting of both a physical installation and a video projection.

The work focused on Bologna graffiti dealing with the theme of the un-listened voices of bolognese citizens (didn’t matter if Italian, toursits, students, etc.): voices with no sounds, as re-presented in the video interviews edited in the city centre asking invited speakers to deliver a free speach without using the voice in front of our camera corder.

At the same time, in the gallery space of House of Front, where the final show was arranged, together with the video sequences there was also an installation realized using white building blocks of gasbeton.

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Lab-Int-2012 | 120424

Thursday, April 19th, 2012



We are pleased to announce the fifth set of guest lectures part of our Design lab. On the 24th of April at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, classroom ‘Gamma’, Paolo Carpi and Silvia Lupi (bukuh) and Enrico Molteni (liverani/molteni architetti) will present their work from 14.30 on.

Lab-Int-2012 | Carrozzeria Margot

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Lab-Int-2012 | maquettes

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

On the 30th of March 1:50 scale maquettes of the existing situation have been presented by each group.
See a slideshow here.

Lab-Int-2012 | 120413

Thursday, April 5th, 2012
Massimo Bartolini

We are pleased to announce the third guest lecture part of our Design Lab. On the 13th of April at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, classroom B.4.1, MASSIMO BARTOLINI will present his work at 10.30.

Yvonne Dröge Wendel

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

CI-Interiors I 120404 I Sue Barr

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Sue Barr is an architect photographer teaching at the Architectural Association, and ‘Architecture of Transit‘ is her research work at Royal College of London. The project uses large format digital photography to produce topographical photographs to research justaposition and complexity in the landscapes of motorway architecture between Alps and Naples.

Lab-Int-2012 | 120403

Friday, March 30th, 2012

We are pleased to announce the second set of guest lectures part of our Design lab. On the 3rd of April at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, classroom S.16, KUEHN MALVEZZI and LABORATORIO PERMANENTE will present their work from 14.30 on.


Lab-Int-2012 | Dorothea Deschermeier

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

On Friday the 30th of March at the Politecnico di Milano, Dorothea Deschermeier will give a lecture  entitled: ‘Architettura e insediamenti all’interno delle strategie aziendali dell’Eni sotto la presidenza di Enrico Mattei (1953-62)’.

The lecture is part of Strutture e Fabbriche, an initiative of Patrizia Bonifazio and Federico Deambrosis. More info here.

Lab-Int-2012 | 120327

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012


Christian Kieckens: ‘PROJECTS’

We are pleased to announce the first set of guest lectures part of our Design lab. On the 27th of March at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, classroom S.16, Giacomo Borella (studio Albori) and Christian Kieckens (CHRISTIAN KIECKENS ARCHITECTS) will present their work from 14.30 on.


CI-Interiors/Lab-Int I guest lectures

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Conferenze Indirizzo Interni

21 marzo 2012
aula B4.1
ore 14.15

download the flyer here and visit their website.


Lab-Int 2012

guest lectures programme

download the flyer here

Creating a Context I starting [18.03.2012]

Saturday, March 17th, 2012


18 March – 1 April 2012
Creating a Context
Biblioteca Sala Borsa – Urban Center
Piazza del Nettuno 3

lablog has been invited as tutor


CI-Interiors 2012 I tips

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Historic City Conservation and Urban Regeneration: Comparing Experiences
Politecnico di Milano, Auditorium – via Pascoli 53, Milano
20 March 2012

L’obiettivo è di esplorare e applicare le migliori pratiche nell’elaborazione di strategie per la conservazione e riqualificazione urbana per uno sviluppo sostenibile delle città. Durante l’incontro, concepito in modo da offrire molteplici punti di vista attraverso l’analisi di alcuni importanti casi studio, verranno affrontate tematiche legate all’urbanistica, all’architettura e all’economia.

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