Dear Students,
This is the last call for participation to the next Intensive Erasmus Workshop on “Structural Architectures: Geometry Code and Design”
The deadline is July the 15th
You will find in attachment the poster concerning the call for the next Intensive Erasmus Workshop on “structural Architectures: Geometry Code and Design”, containing all the useful information you need at the moment for the selection. Interested students have to send via e-mail the following materials, by July 15th 2012, to: luigi.cocchiarella@polimi.it:
1_letter of motivation (in English, maximum 2.000 typefaces long)
2_transcript of forme courses
After July 11th a date for short inerviews will be fixed, in order to select the 8 students who will participate in the workshop.
The project developed the past year are published on-line and available at: summerschool-milano2011 (see there “erasmus intensive program milano 2011”).
Best regards,
Prof. Luigi Cocchiarella