Archive for April, 2014

Border Memories along Isonzo river

Monday, April 28th, 2014

Border Memories: Re-enacting Difficult Heritage by Elisa Mansutti (POLIMI April 2014)

The project aims to re-discover the past of the transnational territory called Venezia Giulia, shared by Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, where the ethnic fights along the years have left numerous traces fixed in the soil and geography of the place. Traces that need to be somehow re-activated since the memory of all dark periods have been, sometimes consciously, sometime involutarily, removed and never re-elaborated.

Look inside the books to know more:
Border Memories # 1/research
Border Memories # 2/project

Ritorno all’AgriCultura

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

Ritorno all’AgriCultura: Ripristino di una masseria abbandonata negli Iblei, Carla Monaco (POLMI APR2014)

Nel corso dell’ultimo secolo, e particolarmente da cinquant’anni a questa parte, si è assistito ad un cambiamento sostanziale del panorama europeo: terreni un tempo coltivati o adibiti al pascolo, sono ora teatro di vegetazione arbustiva o arborea.

Il mio lavoro si prefigge di dimostrare come sia possibile e proficuo un piano di ripristino volto al recupero di queste aree dal punto di vista agricolo, architettonico ed antropologico, con particolare attenzione alle eredità culinarie.

Guarda il book della tesi.



Friday, April 25th, 2014

Ceramic Futures: From Poetry to Science Fiction is a project organized by Cersaie. For its 2nd edition, the project is held in collaboration with Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bologna, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), ELISAVA and Politecnico di Milano.

Deadline for application is 25th april 2014.

Read the rest of this entry »

REcall final event in Berlin

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014


REcall final event, Berlin 30 April 2014

For more info: click here


Interiors guest lecture: Lorenzo Bini

Monday, April 14th, 2014