Archive for 2014

AUGURI/season greetings 2014

Monday, December 22nd, 2014

* “Today I took 120 decisions… they were all wrong!” [Dec 1974]

Squared square meters

Thursday, December 18th, 2014


Squared square meters: Un nuovo possibile paradigma dell’abitare in condivisione a Milano, Laura Doardo (POLMI DEC2014)

L’abitazione contemporanea diviene il punto d’incrocio dei mass-media, al punto che il garage potrebbe sostituire la casa, questa “dimora” che, in origine, altro non era se non il “parcheggio” dei mobili del nomade”. La riduzione dell’architettura ai suoi spazi e alle sue dimensioni stabilite da tipologie abitative e regolamenti edilizi, a scapito degli eventi, risulta uno dei principali ostacoli. Gli eventi, le pratiche e gli oggetti che fanno da tramite tra l’uomo e l’azione, diventano i regolamentatori degli spazi stessi. Si può immaginare di plasmare un materiale viscoso all’interno di un involucro elastico; quest’ultimo sarà, entro i suoi termini di rottura, costretto a deformarsi. Allo stesso tempo non è possibile imporre un involucro “a lunga durata”: “Houses will last less long than we. Each generation will have to build its own city”.

Guarda il book della tesi.


Lablog chairs MSc in Architecture @ POLIMI

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

On the 11th of December, after a public election, Gennaro Postiglione was selected to Chair the Master of Science in Architecture-Milan at the School of Architettura e Società – Politecnico di Milano.

Estratto dal programma di candidatura

[…] Il nuovo Corso di Studio deve essere quindi in grado di proporsi sia in continuità con i temi della grande tradizione progettuale milanese (quali il disegno della città, il progetto sul costruito, la cura transcalare dello spazio, l’attenzione agli aspetti costruttivi, gli interni come spazio primario dell’architettura) sia in sintonia con quelli di attualità del dibattito architettonico contemporaneo (quali la fragilità dell’ambiente, la riduzione delle risorse disponibili, la vulnerabilità e la diseguaglianza sociale, la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale).

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DAE2014-Contextual Design MSc 1-finals

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

During the Fall Trimester 2014 at DAE, Lorenzo Bini and Gennaro Postiglione have run two Design Studio at the Department of Contextual Design. On the 3rd of December, during an Instant Exhibition lasting just one day, students presented their work to mentors and external critics.

A lot of work produced with passion and love. Here are some pics:




lablog @ The Practice Research Symposium in Barcelona

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

The Practice Research Symposium took place at RMIT Europe in Barcelona from 28-30 November. Transition Training and Research Methods Training was conducted by the ADAPT-r Experienced Researchers, Johan Verbeke, Claus Peder Pedersen, Arnaud Hendrickx and Jo Van Den Berghe. and included presentations by graduates from the RMIT doctoral programme: CJ Lim, Deborah Saunt and Tom Holbrook.
There were 3 PhD students examinated: Tanya Kalinina, James McAdam and Riet Eeckhout.
During the PRS weekend 38 practitioners have presented their research or PhD proposal.

lablog was invited to take part at the meeting to share knowledge.

Download the programme


MeLa @ Biennale finissage

Monday, November 17th, 2014

22-23 November 2014
Venice, Italy | Biennale di Architettura 14th, Padiglione Centrale, Sala F


MeLa is pleased to invite you to a two-day event dedicated to the launch of the MeLa Critical Archive, promoted in the framework of the final week of the Architecture Biennale 2014.

The MeLa Critical Archive is a digital platform aimed at cohering, conveying and sharing the interdisciplinary investigations produced within the four year long Research Project. This archive was not conceived a mere repository of the research outcomes, but rather as a multipurpose dissemination tool drawing together and organizing the main insights by the involved researchers through a critical post-reflection; as a communicative project pointing out the complexity of the different approaches and findings, and illustrating the unitary jet multifarious cultural proposal; as well as a research instrument fostering questions, enhancing synergies, highlighting potentialities and opening further perspectives. Read the rest of this entry »

DAE- SOURCE #07: Bini & Postiglione

Monday, November 10th, 2014

Design Academy Eindhoven – Source Lectures 2014

12 NOV 2014
DAE Auditorium
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ Eindhoven

13.30h Lorenzo BiniContext is where I source content
15.00h Gennaro PostiglioneFrom the very small interior to the continuum interior


Nuovi spazi della memoria

Saturday, October 25th, 2014

Nuovi spazi della memoria.
Due progetti per la Resistenza e la Liberazione a Milano
[Marco Mazzola, Alessandro Menini – 2014]

Le vicende drammatiche che hanno caratterizzato il Novecento hanno lasciato segni indelebili nelle città, nei paesaggi naturali e nella memoria delle persone che li hanno vissuti, dando vita a un paesaggio fisico e culturale molto prezioso ma con cui è difficile rapportarsi. Se da un lato si ha una forte necessità di mantenere vivo il ricordo dei traumi della storia recente, dall’altro si preferisce a volte che il passato resti passato perché i conflitti non sempre sono risolti e possono riaccendersi, mettendo a rischio il fragile equilibrio del presente. Inoltre, la sempre maggiore distanza temporale e i ricambi generazionali tendono inevitabilmente verso l’oblìo e l’indifferenza.


Visita il sitoweb MEMI4345

Call for students

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

E’ stato pubblicato il nuovo bando per il WS itinerante VILLARD16:
Scadenza 23 Ottobre h 12:00


DAE- SOURCE #05: Memory and Monuments

Friday, October 10th, 2014

Design Academy Eindhoven – Source Lectures 2014

15 OCT 2014
10:00 – 16:00
DAE Auditorium
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ Eindhoven

Instead of acknowledging the monument only as a fixed and consolidated typology, the symposium intends to discuss the power to recall memories and provoke thoughts – proper of monuments – into (designed) objects regardless of their size, value, exposure and durability. By reinterpreting their role that might not necessary be imagined as accessible by a community only but perhaps transferred to the context of people intimacy and privacy, it will also question the public nature of monuments.

The  Symposium is curated by Lorenzo Bini and Gennaro Postiglione, guest mentors at DAE-Contextual Design department.
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Doppie Lauree @ POLIMI

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Call for Double Degree programs: dead line 27 OCT 

Dear Students,

As the call for the participation to Double Degree programs has been launched, we have scheduled a meeting for presenting the programs promoted by the School of Architecture and Society at Politecnico di Milano.

The professors in charge of the Double degree projects will be available to discuss your questions. Furthermore some students just returned from their abroad experience will be there to tell you about their experience.

The meeting will be held at the Leonardo Campus on Wednesday October 15th – h.17:15 in aula C.0.1 Read the rest of this entry »

MIAW2014 takes off

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

In less than a week by now, MIAW2014 will take off and almost 200 students will be engaged in a two weeks intensive programme tutored by a pull of international guests. During the workshops mentors will also present their own work and thoughts in a open lecture series taking place every day according the program and the scheduled agenda.



Read the rest of this entry »

DAE-guest professorship

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Ashrott’s FountainHorst Hoheisel, Kassel 1987


Lorenzo Bini + Gennaro Postiglione
Design for Thinking/Design for Memory
Design Academy EindhovenContextual Design Department
01 SEP – 03 DEC 2014

Download the Studio – brief


MI/ARC: Call for students

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

In occasione di MI/ARCH 2014, il festival d’architettura che si terrà al Politecnico di Milano dal 13 al 16 ottobre, avete l’occasione di essere selezionati per un confronto diretto di discussione e di scambio di idee con i grandi nomi dell’architettura mondiale che avete sempre visto sulle riviste. E’ stata organizzata una call for projects, con l’obiettivo di selezionare i 15 progetti migliori che verranno presentati direttamente a uno degli architetti invitati, al termine della loro conferenza. Ai conferenzieri sarà sottoposto un singolo progetto che dovrà essere presentato pubblicamente dall’autore/dagli autori e successivamente commentato in non più di 10 minuti.

Aperto a: tutti gli studenti e i laureati (da non più di due anni) del Politecnico di Milano. Termine per la consegna degli elaborati: 14 settembre 2014

Tutti i dettagli:

IP Feed Europe: results

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Day 11 Saturday, 23 August 2014.

We woke up with one common freeze frame in our heads.

The installation’s room looks exactly the same as the first day we got into it: a space with chairs and desks. The grapes have been eaten, the floor plan is rolled into one package to be taken to the next exhibition, we will cook the beans sometime into the near future, the plants will grow somewhere in Venice, all cardboard will be recycled. The presentation lasted two hours, and that was the life of our artwork, that now grows further on different places and contexts. Some of us will have new ideas, based on this common one, some others have gained good friends and colleagues for a lifetime; we all have won 8 fundamentals that we are going to recognize from now on in every structure and will let it grow there into what the city of Venice architecture taught us: when it comes to life and creation, nothing is impossible.

A warm and sincere thank you with gratitude to all participants and teachers involved!

See day by day report here and click on the blog.