Today, lab-int’09 “Transition spaces” took off!

Welcome to ca. 40 students, 6 tutors, 3 professors challenging the task to re-design a new environment for Milanse subway (MM Milano, Linea 1/Red) to transform the mezzanin level into a real urban space, with services and shops, completely integrated with level zero urban life. The work will negotiate the relationship among the place/existent, the functional program and architectural composition: giving shapes and feelings/emotions to practical solutions.
During the introduction meeting, the following materials were presented:
Metromondo: by Claudia Brunelli, Rossella Destefani, Margherita Parati
The paradigma of Interiors: by Gennaro Postiglione
Here you can download the calendar
Here you can download the bibliography (paper copy c/o Tecnocopy, via Golgi 60)
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