Author Archive

Cuts in the EU budget for Research/Petition

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Priority for the research budget is crucial for achieving economic prosperity and solutions for global challenges. Read the text of the petition and voice your concerns on the EU budget to the heads of states or governments.

 Sign the petition – and invite others to join!

This petition reflects the mobilisation of research communities, including younger scientists, the members of learned societies and of concerned citizens. It complements the open letter of 42 European Nobel Laureates and 5 Fields Medallists recently published in the major European newspapers.

Disseminate the Call to everyone since is open to non-academics!

Read the rest of this entry »

Aliano reloaded

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

IL RESTO DI MOLTO: ri/attiva/azioni di un borgo

Documentario realizzato dall’Artivista comunicazione per documentare le installazioni effettuate nei borghi di Aliano e Alianello(MT) dal 28 Aprile al 1 Maggio 2012 nel seminario/workshop curato dall’arch. Nicola Flora e con Mobilarch-Facoltà di architetta di Ascoli Piceno-Università di Camerino; Regia di Antonello Picciano.

Årsta Church in Stockholm

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

photo © Ioana Marinescu

Årsta Church, by Johan Celsing, Stockholm

lab-int1#MSc-2012_On the Road is now ready

Friday, July 20th, 2012

The work undergone by students deal with the refurbishment of a dismissed Milanese petrol station that was designed and built in the beginning of the 50?s by Mario Bacciocchi. The building represents a very precious heritage for the city and for its owner, Eni S.p.A. As we started to research about the history of the building, and the company, we realized how intriguing this project might become if all the issues around it will be taken into account…

Here are the results: On the road: stazione di servizi – Milano

Milano green cages

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Milano green cages by Mauro Coppini (POLIMI, June 2012)

An utopia for Milano 2050 when to balance the CO2 emission the need to produce the oxygen brings the Milan municipality to promote a programme of a wide and dense forestation of the urban context.

Look inside the book


Kibera InFarmstructure

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Kibera In-Farmstructure: dispositivi di rigenerazione sociale e ambientale, Matteo Perin (POLIMI APR2010)

A proposal for the largest slum in Africa, just outside Nairobi, to promote work, food production and social life via bottom-up micro interventions.


Kibera Diary

Kibera In-Farmstructure 1

Kibera In-Farmstructure 2


Clip/Stamp/Fold – Architectural Magazines

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

Leggendo sul blog di LS graphic design ho letto di questa mostra che si appena conclusa a Londra, fonte di una ricerca condotta presso la School of Architecture at Princeton University: Clip/Stamp/Fold – The radical architecture of little magazines 196x-197x.

Non so nulla oltre quello che ho letto sul website e le immagini postate su Flickr ma spero che la mostra passi da Milano.

lab-arc#1-1999-2000: Casa per un custode

Thursday, January 27th, 2005

Design studio 1st year BA, 1999-01

Facoltà di Architettura-Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano

Casa per un custode a Milano

Download: booklet della presentazione del laboratorio