Author Archive

Europan 12

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Adaptable city is the theme of the Europan 12 session.

The projects must be submitted by June 28th, 2013.

Around RHG: lecture series #1

Monday, March 18th, 2013

venerdì 22 marzo

Politecnico di Milano
ore 15:00
Aula Gamma
via Ampére 1

Alan Powers
RHG RE-visions

Download Alan Presentation
Download the full program of guest-lectures

Lab-int-2013/brainstorming #1

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Raffaele Pugliese
Abitare urbano e forme della densità

Enrico Scaramellini
Progetto per il concorso Fondazione Housing Sociale 2009

Marco Lucchini
Riferimenti tipologici per la trasformazione dei RHG

martedì 19 marzo
aula B.3.4/ore 14:15

lab-int-2013: London trip

Friday, March 8th, 2013

View London trip in a larger map

collACTION on air!

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013


Dears all,
we are very pleased to share another research-blog edit within lablog interiors:
Editors: Sofia Coutsoucos & Stefania Monici who graduated today (BA in Architecture @ POLIMI) with great success.

You are very welcome to submit eventual case study to add at our CollACTION: fill and submit the upload form

Lab-int/2013: Open Lecture Series

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013


Open Lecture Series
ed by Michela Bassanelli and Enrico Forestieri

Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32

Aula S.1.6
ore 15:00

download the flyer

Anonymous Press for Lablog Interiors

Monday, February 18th, 2013

REcall-project: call for applications/UPDATE

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Il concorso è stato aperto anche agli studenti della magistrale, oltre che ai laureati dopo il 2007/The competition is now open also to MA students besides the Graduated after 2007

speriamo di vedervi partecipare numerosi/we look forward to see many of you partecipating!

This call for tenders is part of the REcall project and aims at receiving enthusiastic and thorough proposal for Difficult Heritage – such as the ones coming from XX Century conflicts and wars – re-appropriation interventions. Selected entries will be granted access to one of the two design workshops which will take place in Norway and Italy in 2013. Proposals will be guided towards a successful end, in which those selected entries will compete for a final prize involving an economic contribution.

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Re-cycle Italy: conferenza allo IUAV

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Download the full programme here

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Cosa succede in città?

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

Cosa succede in città? La città che vive e si racconta” – Tavola rotonda

31 Gennaio 2013
dalle 15 alle 17 presso
Urban Center
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – Milano. 

È un appuntamento nell’ambito di Immagina Milano, programma didattico e di ricerca avviato nel 2009 per la sperimentazione di formati di comunicazione audiovisiva dedicati al tema della trasformazione della città.

download the flyer

Call for Workshop

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

IP Creating&Context #2
Emscher Kunst Triennale 2013
Duisburg 14 – 28 July 

Call for Application

Sixty students working in nine cross-disciplinary and transnational groups will develop proposals for a permanently sited public artwork as part of the Emscher Kunst Triennale 2013. Working collaboratively in your cross-disciplinary groups you are asked to respond creatively to the designated site.  You are asked to reflect upon this unique context and to design a place for human interaction/contemplation. This should be a specially designed site-specific structure that is situated somewhere along the green belt area that incorporates steel as the main material.

The assessment will be done via an exhibition and a formal presentation to a selection committee: at the end of the assessment, at least one proposal will be selected to be fully realized.

Selection criteria
POLIMI will select the 6 participants according the evaluation of the following delivered documents (collected together into one single PDF file of max 20MB):

–       a Portfolio (on pag 1 – cover – place name surname and ph&email contacts)
–       a Letter of Motivation
–       a Presentation concerning the last point highlighted in the program description: the request to research aspects of the brief prior to the start of the project (download and read the full program).

Deadline for submission: 15 March 2013 > NEW DATE: 08MARCH2013!

Mail the document to gennaro.postiglione(at)
Use a jumbomail delivery service (libero, wetransfer, dropbox sharing option, etc.): do not attach the PDF at the email.

At the workshop it will be recognized 4 ECTS.

Download Creating&Context Duisburg 2013 program and/or visit Creating&Context Bologna 2012 website


Open lecture @ POLIMI

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

Patricio Mora
Martedì 15 Gennaio 2013
aula E/F_ore 15:00

Download the flyer

REcall-project: call for applications

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

REcall – European Conflict Archaeological Landscape Re-appropriation

Concorso per laureandi e giovani laureati.

1. Tre membri, per ognuno dei dieci gruppi che verranno selezionati, parteciperanno (avendo tutto spesato) ad uno dei due workshop previsti (uno in Norvegia e uno in Italia).
2. Inoltre ogni gruppo ha un rimborso di 1000 euro come contribuito per le spese di elaborazione dei materiali da consegnare nella seconda fase.
3. I vincitori, riceveranno un premio di 3000 euro se primi e 2000 se secondi.
4. Infine, tre membri del gruppo di progettazione parteciperanno, avendo tutto spesato, al seminario finale con mostra e convegno.
5. I gruppi dovranno essere composti almeno da 1 architetto, 1 archeologo, 1 artista.

Cerca un team partner su REcall-project FB group

Download the call

Deadline for registration: 30 JAN 2013 > new dead line 15 MAR 2013
Deadline for delivering the proposal: 15 FEB 2013 > new deadline 28 FEB 2013

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Saturday, January 5th, 2013

subtilitas is a collection of images/moments/ideas/spaces that inspire/inform/agitate/influence a los angeles based architectural designer.

Concorso per studenti

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012


Aperto agli studenti universitari delle facoltà, dipartimenti, scuole e corsi di laurea di Architettura e Ingegneria edile italiane.

Il bando, gli allegati e i moduli di iscrizione saranno consultabili sul sito:

Scadenza domanda di partecipazione: 28 febbraio 2013