Author Archive

Spazio 33 Competition

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Spazio 33 Competition, an open call addressed to everyone, has been launched! If you think you are good with chalks and freehand drawings… just click here.

Il Concorso Spazio 33, un’iniziativa rivolta a chiunque, è stato lanciato! Se ci sai fare con i gessetti e sai disegnare a mano libera… clicca qui.

Paris Market Lab

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

Archmedium, a student organization that has been promoting International Architecture Competitions for over two years, with the support of the Architecture School of Barcelona (ETSAB) and the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), launches Paris Market Lab. The ArchMedium competitions are conceived as learning experiences and allow students to become familiar with how professional architecture competitions work. By participating, students will have the chance to get their projects reviewed by teachers from other schools, see their proposals published on architecture magazines and exhibited around the world.

To find out more click HERE.

White Cube Bermondsey

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Architects Casper Mueller Kneer have converted a south London warehouse into the city’s third White Cube gallery. Have look at the article: go to link.

Q+A> Rem Koolhaas

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Kiyonori Kikutake, Statiform Structure Module, 1972.
Kiyonori Kikutake

From: The architects’ Newspaper
Sounding weary with focusing on his own positions and prominence and energized by researching Japan in the 60s and 70s, Rem Koolhaas came down for coffee at the Carlyle Hotel to talk to AN about his new book Project Japan: Metabolism Talks (Taschen), a six-year project undertaken with Swiss critic and historian Hans Ulrich Obrist to interview the founders and thinkers of what the architect calls “the first non-Western avant-garde movement in architecture” and the Dutch architect’s search for a more meaningful engagement between architecture and societies.

Atlantikwall think-tank

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Day 2: 110805

Brainstorming seminar in Cambridge (03-06/08/2011) chaired by Dr. Gilly Carr, Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education and a Fellow of St Catharine’s College.

Lablog was invited to join a group of 8 Scholars discussing about possible Research schemes to investigate the Atlantikwall remains: a difensive infrastructure crossing Europe from cape North to Pireénes, lasting more than 6.000 Km with almost 12.000 buildings and schelters abandoned on the shores of Europe.

A Military Heritage where large part of WWII painfull memories are melted together with the concrete used as construction material. Socio-cultural history, architecture and landscape, conflict archaelogy, are some of the disciplines involed by a such hudge invasive presence.

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Vedere l’invisibile

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

Il book di lettura e registrazione dei patrimoni invisibili.

Tesi: Chiara Cicciarella, Silvia Medici
Politecnico di Milano, ottobre 2011

Rendere percepibile e fruibile il patrimonio celato che si conserva nel paesaggio rurale abruzzese attraverso dispositivi fruitivi che azionano produzioni percettive e fuzionali.

Sfoglia il book nr 2 [le premesse]
Sfoglia il book nr 3 [il progetto]

Norway attacks

Sunday, July 24th, 2011


Few weeks ago, in Italy, we delivered a volume and an exhibition (MACRO-Testaccio in Rome untill 14/08/2011) titled “AREA Norway”, a monographic issue of the architecture magazine all about Oslo and Norway. Nature was the protagonist. Now, the same landscape tells stories of an incredible horrible event: a double attack to Norwegians where almost 100 people died. This was possible only due the peacefull trusting friendly Norwegian mode: never thinking about hevil and stupid actions. A Country where, in a such occasion, the Royal family and the politicians did not refrain to crying in front of the large mass of people gathering in the Oslo Cathedral to take part at the celebration for the victims.

We would like to express all our pain and nearness to Norway and to all Norwegians, with the hope they will never lose their inncence towards life and world.

Intersections workshop

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Attraverso la costa, 6 occasioni per fare città

4-10 Settembre 2011
Palazzo Platamone, Catania

Al workshop sono invitati a partecipare tutti gli studenti, i laureati e i dottorandi delle Facoltà di Architettura e Ingegneria dei paesi membri dell’Unione Europea. Sono invitati a partecipare anche gli studenti delle Accademie di Belle Arti e delle Scuole di Specializzazione e dei Master delle discipline di architettura del paesaggio e arte dei giardini.
Gli aspiranti partecipanti saranno selezionati per titoli. A tal fine occorre inviare la domanda di partecipazione corredata dal curriculum vitae (n. 1 cartella formato A4 verticale) e da un portfolio di progetti (di n. 2 cartelle formato A3 orizzontale).

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110719: Lab-int 2011/exame

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Maurizio Cattelan: Charlie don’t surf

Facoltà di Architettura e Società
aula B 4.1
dalle ore 10:00

Laboratorio di Progettazione degli Interni 1
Presentazione dei lavori

POLIMI workshops

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

September, will be a very intense period for POLIMI students, there are several proposals for interesting International Workshops held at the School of Architecture and Society. Here are the one we are involved and where we invite students to send their applications: as usual limited seats available.

Structural Architectures-Geometry, Code and Design

First edition of the 3 year Intenational Erasmus Intensive Programme on ‘Structuralism Geometry & Design’

5-15 September 2011

Deadline for application: 15 JULY

provide a Portfolio as PDF file (A3 size) with documents hihlighting your skills & competences in:
– 3D modelling softweres
– construction & detailing
– traditional representation (by hand and with pencil)
– passion for geometry & structures

PDF > max 10MB

mail to:

download: Call for Applicants

for other info: WS-description; WS-programme; WS-schools people and ECTS


MIAW2011: forests

Second edition of ‘Milano International Architectural Workshop

26-30 September 2011

Deadline for application: 15 JULY

For info & details:

Related: BIAW2011;

Previous editions: MIAW2010

The Philip Johnson Glass House

Monday, July 4th, 2011

The Philip Johnson Glass House, a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Birch Books Conservation are proud to announce the launch of a ground-breaking publication, The Library of Philip Johnson: Selections from the Glass House. Written by Birch Cooper and Jordan Hruska, this beautifully illustrated book examines 100 titles from the architect’s Library/Study located at the Glass House site in New Canaan, Connecticut and features an introduction by Architect Robert A. M. Stern, textual analyses and 350 photographs.

Area 116

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011


Presentazione “area” 116
05 luglio 2011
ore 17.30
Aula Rogers – Scuola di Architettura e Società
Politecnico di Milano – via Ampère 2


08 luglio/15 agosto 2011
orari 16 – 24 – lunedì chiuso
Padiglione 9B, MACRO-Testaccio
Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, Roma

07 luglio 2011
ore 18.30

downloads: invito Milano; invito Roma

Scandinavia, June 2011

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Aalborg (DK)

Skane (SK)

Helsinki (S)

Good Morning Milano!

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Milano, Piazza del Duomo, May 30, 2011, h 22:30

MeLa-project ‘on-air’

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

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