Author Archive

WS: La scatola interna

Wednesday, October 19th, 2005

Following is possible to download a short photo gallery from the students’ work (Montevideo, October 1998).


lab-arc#2000-01: Cultura Swahili in mostra

Thursday, July 14th, 2005

Design studio 1st year BA, 2000-01

Facoltà di Architettura-Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano

Cultura Swahili in mostra a Msasami bay, Tanzania
Exhibiting Swahili Culture in Msasami bay, Tanzania


Addizioni ai Giardini della Biennale

Monday, February 14th, 2005

Laboratorio di Progettazione architettonica 1
Design studio 1st year BA
Facoltà di Architettura-Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano
a.a. 2001/02

Addition: temporary exhibition space for Venice Biennale Pavillions
Addizioni: spazio espositivo temporaneo per i padiglioni alla Biennale di Venezia

Browse the materials following the link

WWII voids [Milan]

Friday, February 4th, 2005


WWII voids in Milan [by Stefano]

The Diploma work faces the problematic seam of the hurts present in the historical city plan, places where the historical stratifications, the remains and the memories of the urban fabric emerge and mix. Milano stands out as an emblematic city of a common European situation, because from the bombing of the II world war, to the intense today building activity, the city brings continuously to light hidden memories and remains, which reveal the layered character of the past an point out the remains non selective but synchronic value.

WWII voids_book