
March 15th, 2011

TRAM TRAM. Spazi Collettivi per il lavoro

Tuesday the 15th March 2011 LAB-int#1/2011 ‘ TRAM-TRAM’  took off.  Proff. Bini, Dolce and Postiglione + arch. Marco Lampugnani and Michela Bassanelli (with the collaboration of MAs Candidates Ilaria Bollati, Viola Lucioni, Valeria Mercogliano) invite students attending the course to check & follow

labint2011 repository
(where you find folders, arranged by date, with usefull files)

(with details about the agenda of LABint2011: included study trip to Madrid in May)

(link to ISSUU where Diploma works and LABint reports are published)

(link to Flickr for study trips galleries)

LABint2011: Rooms & Hours

Tip of the Day:
Fabbrica del Vapore/MI: Open studio agenda

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